Step One: Stop Procrastinating!

The time has come to DO, not just think and plan to become a writer. The first item on my list is to learn how to type properly, not just the fast hunt-and-peck i’ve taught myself to do. While it has served me for years, I think of how easy it would be to type quickly with speed and accuracy to get my thoughts onto the computer.  I looked around for free typing tutors online and finally found one that seemed inviting. Only a few days of practice and my hands feel more comfortable moving around the keyboard! I’ve also been researching Technical Writing and have an appointment to talk with a Senior Technical Writer to find out if that is an avenue I’d like to explore further. The idea of writing how-to projects for different audiences seems stimulating. On the creative front, there are writing jobs available on job boards all over the internet that are peaking my interest. I will definitely be spending more time researching those boards. For now I’m going to focus on typing practice and writing without thinking or worrying about the outcome. Afterall, that is what editing is for!


When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.  ~Enrique Jardiel Poncela

Hello out there!

I am a first time blogger writing my way forward towards a career in the writing industry. I have always loved writing and am excited to have an outlet where the world can be a part of my journey. So here I am, at the very beginning of this experience and I will document everything that I will be doing in search of a writing career. I’ll also include my writing projects along the way.

Here is a list of my current skills and education at the start of my journey forward:


Career: Registered Massage Therapist

Education: College courses in Biology, Spanish, English and Anthropology

Degree: Massage Therapy training program, 3000 hours

Knowledge Base: Thorough knowledge of the human body, its systems, anatomy, pathology, physiology, pain and stress management, etc. Knowledge of other information on many different topics.

Computer skills: Comfortable with PC’s and MAC’s, Microsoft Word, Internet use, computer maintenance and troubleshooting. Enjoy learning new programs and technologies.

Typing skills: 28 words per minute, looking at the keyboard as I type. (This will have to change, of course)

Office Skills: Administration, organization, customer service, office manual creation, etc.

Hobbies: Writing, reading, knitting, painting, travel, cooking, baking, video games, animals

Writing Experience: Won a writing award as a child, created books in high school for class, written many poems , published a poem in a magazine, created office manuals for various jobs and other how-to manuals.

As you can see, I have no specific training in the field of writing, as of yet, though I often feel like I am overflowing with a tremendous desire to write.

Now I need to formulate a plan. In the meantime, please enjoy this delicious quote:

It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by. How else, indeed, to clap the net over the butterfly of the moment? For the moment passes, it is forgotten; the mood is gone; life itself is gone. That is where the writer scores over his fellows: he catches the changes of his mind on the hop. -Vita Sackville-West